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Best Content Marketing Strategies For Your Business
By Lewis Southwick |15 January 2019
If you are interested in marketing your business online (and who is not at this point?), you cannot escape hearing about content marketing. It is everywhere you look or listen in regards to internet marketing protocol.
What is content marketing, anyway?
Content marketing means creating and sharing valuable free content to attract and convert prospects into customers, and customers into repeat buyers. The type of content you share is closely related to your industry; in other words, you are educating people so that they know, like, and trust you enough to do business with you.
But what does content marketing actually mean for your business? What makes it different from what you already do to sell your products and services?
The phrase "content is king" has generated a lot of buzz among online marketers. While there are great debates to be had over the accuracy of that phrase, the point is that content is a bit different than other areas of marketing like social media and SEO, in that many of them are really only around because of content.
How can content marketing benefit my business?
Creating content gives your audience something to talk about. When they're talking about you, they're teaching each other about your company, passing recommendations and links around in the process. This awareness of your brand is marketing gold.
The respect and admiration of your audience will absolutely take time to build, as they require earning trust. Once you've proven your knowledge and integrity, you can become the authority people turn to when look for an expert in your industry. The authority you gain then transfers to your products or services, making customers much more likely to choose you over the competition.
If you're creating content that targets potential customers, you're streamlining the distance between those people and your products, making it more likely they will do business with you later on. This is true regardless of whether or not your content even mentions what you're selling.
Results Of An Effective Content Marketing Campaign
Traffic may be the obvious benefit, but it's also one of the most important. Creating great content will bring people to your site, where they'll also find information about your company and your products/services.
The number of ways in which content benefits SEO is far too great to count. Great content attracts editorial links, which tell Google you're important and authoritative. Google will also review your content, getting a much better idea of what your company is about, allowing it to return your site for more relevant internet searches. The list goes on, but it can all be boiled down to this: Without content, what is there to optimize for search engines?
That is it! This is a brief overview of what content marketing is and how you can use it to meet your business goals. Content marketing means being the advertiser of your business and creating the content at the same time. Done right, content marketing can help you generate massive growth for your business.
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